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Mental Health Support

At No5 we provide support to young people through one to one counselling and group workshops.

Mental health and mental illness can sometimes get confused. No5 encourages you to look after your mental health as much as you would your body! In our workshops the young people are given practical tools to support a healthy mind and recognise the signs you might need support and where to get help.

Mental illnesses are common and in fact 1 in 4 people are diagnosed with a mental health difficulty every year. Turn that on its head and all of us, 4 in 4, have mental health that we need to look after as much as our physical health! We explain more about what is mental health and mental illness in our factsheets.

Recognising the Signs

It’s important to recognise…

that we can all face difficulties in life at different times, such as exam pressure, breakdown in family relationships, bullying and time of grief. You need your own mental health tool box to support you through those times.

It’s important to recognise…

when these feelings don’t pass and you’re struggling every day with the way you think, feel, behave or interact with others. This could be a sign you need support to recover through a combination of counselling, self-care and perhaps treatment.

When to get support

If you or someone you know is experiencing problems with their mental health to the extent that it is seriously interfering with everyday life, for instance stopping them from:

  • Being able to study and go to school
  • Being able to eat or sleep properly
  • Going out with friends or taking part in a favourite hobby

Then it might be time to get some help.

How No5 can help you

Find out more about counselling at No5

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