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Being a young black male and navigating mental health – by Ian

The journey of a young black man in the world of mental health is a unique one. It’s a path marked by both resilience and challenges, often characterised by a complex cultural expectations, societal pressures and personal growth.

As an advocate for mental health, I am pleased to share my insights and experiences on this topic, shedding light on the importance of addressing mental wellbeing within the young black male community.


Breaking the Stigma

One of the first hurdles many young black males face when dealing with mental health issues is the pervasive stigma surrounding mental health in our communities. Traditional stereotypes can make it difficult for us to open up about our struggles. The perception that seeking help is a sign of weakness is an unfortunate misconception that has long plagued us.

However, it’s essential to remember that seeking help is an act of strength, NOT weakness. It’s a courageous step towards personal growth and healing. Acknowledging our mental health challenges is a testament to our resilience and a commitment to a better future.


Cultural Expectations

Cultural expectations can weigh heavily on us. The pressure to conform to stereotypes of strength and invulnerability can lead us to suppress our emotions and internalise our struggles. However, it’s crucial to recognise that our emotional well-being should not be sacrificed at the altar of conformity.

We must empower ourselves to redefine what it means to be strong and resilient. Real strength lies in acknowledging our feelings, seeking help when needed and embracing our authentic selves. Our cultural heritage can be a source of strength and resilience, but it should not be a barrier to seeking mental health support.


Seeking Support

Breaking the barriers of stigma and cultural expectations begins with seeking support. There are numerous resources available, from therapy to support groups, specifically tailored to the needs of young black men. These spaces provide a safe and understanding environment where we can express our feelings and work towards healing.

Furthermore, it’s crucial to engage in open conversations about mental health within our communities. By sharing our experiences and encouraging others to do the same, we can collectively break down the barriers that prevent many from seeking help. This dialogue helps normalise the idea that mental health is a universal concern that knows no boundaries.


Resilience and Self-Care

Resilience is ingrained in the history of black people, and it continues to shape our experiences today. As young black men we carry this legacy of resilience within us. It’s essential to harness this strength to prioritise our mental well-being actively.

Self-care practices such as meditation, exercise, journaling and seeking therapy can be powerful tools in our mental health journey. These practices not only help us manage stress but also foster self-awareness and emotional growth.



Being a young black man in the world of mental health is a journey filled with unique challenges and opportunities. By breaking down the stigma surrounding mental health, redefining cultural expectations and seeking support, we can pave the way for a healthier, more resilient future.

Remember, seeking help is an act of strength, and healing is a testament to our resilience.


By Ian

Young Ambassador

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